Will of Ffoulk Jones, Wern, Llanfrothen 1718 |
FelRh092FfoulkJoWill 28.6.2003 Will of Ffoulk Jones, Wern, Llanfrothen 1718 (Ref. B/1721/84 W ) In the name of God Amen the six and twentyeth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand // seven hundred and eighteen I Ffoulk Jones of Wern in the Parish of Llanfrothen in the County of // Merioneth Gent being of sound and perfect sense and memory Do make and ordaine? This my last will and testamt in the manor and form following whereby I renounce? my soul to God my maker hopeing // assuredly through the death merits and martyred? of Christ Jesus my saviour to have remission of my sins. // and to be made partaker of Life everlasting And my body to be buryed according to the direction of my executor here // after named. And I dispose of the Estate which God hath pleased to blesse me with as follows IMPRIMIS (1) I give and// bequeath unto my sister Mary the wife of Edward ap Richard the sum of One Hundred Pounds Item (2) I give and bequeath unto my niece // Ellin, daughter of the said Edward ap Richard and my sister Mary aforesaid the sume of Twenty Pounds Item (3) I give and bequeath the // rest of the children of Edward ap Richard and the said sister Mary the sum of Tenne pounds apiece Item (4) I give and bequeath unto my // sister Jane Jones the sum of two pounds Item (5) I give and bequeath unto my nephew Gabriel Thomas the sume of five shillings Item // (6) I give and bequeath unto my nephew Lewis Thomas the sume of seventy pounds Item (7) I give and bequeath unto my nephew Evan Thomas // of Caeglas the sum of fforty pounds Item(8) I // give and bequeath unto my nephew William Rowalnds the sum of twenty pounds Item (9) I // give and bequeath unto my neece Catherine Rowland the sum of twenty pounds Item (10) I give and bequeath unto my nephew and // Godson Robert Ffoulk eldest son of my nephew Ffoulk Thomas the sume of Three hundred pounds Item(11) I give and bequeath unto my nephew // Ffoulk second son of my nephew Ffoulk Thomas the sum of twenty pounds Item (12) I give and bequeath unto nephew Thomas Third son of the Ffoulk Thomas the aforesaid the sum of twenty pounds Item(13) My will is, that if my above mentioned Nephew ( Gap Robert) Ffoulk // happens to dye before he attains the age of one and twenty or before he be marryed or otherwise settled that the s (blotted out ) two // hundred pounds part of the Legacy of three hundred pounds to him hereby bequeathed be equally divided and I doe give? And bequeath // the sum equally .....betw een my nephews Ffoulk and Thomas second and (third ) sons of my said Nephew Ffoulk Thomas // the same to be equal Item 14 I give and bequeath...... ( from here on, parts of the original document are missing and fragmented) To the poor of the........................Nephew Thomas Mayrick Esq.. the sum... pounds Part of the above Legacy?............................Item (15) I give and beq ...that then my Executor...............................in my life tim.. sume or summes as in the 3rd .....................acquittance .......hereby nominate and appoint..... .......former will by me......... ......personal Estate, Mortgage......... .....so yeare time after my...... .....day and year first above..... signed and sealed and declared by Ffoulk Jones to be his last will and testament In the presence of Evan Griffith Thomas Loyd Anidil (Anwyl) John Roberts B/1721?84 I A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods cattle and chattel & credits of Ffoulke Jones of Wern in ye County of Merioneth Diocess of Bangor Gent deceased taken and apraised by ye persons under named as follows........ L S D Impermis Six oxen att 22 = 10 = 00 It ffive Runts 4 year old att 14 = 00 = 00 It Ten Runts 3 year old att 23 = 00 = 00 It Ten heifers 3 year old at 21 = 00 = 00 It Twenty other beasts male & female 2 year old at 34 = 00 = 00 It Twenty nine yearlings beasts 29 = 00 = 00 It Twenty nine kinds at 77 = 00 = 00 It One Bull att 02 = 03 = 00 It Two Bull Pecks at 05 = 15 = 00 It Twenty Horses of all sorts at 50 = 00 = 00 It Three hundred and sixty sheep, weathers and ewes at 81 = 00 = 00 It Four score yearlings lambs at 15 = 00 = 00 It Brass, pewter iron etc at 15 = 00 = 00 It Beads and beadsteades etc at 20 = 00 = 00 It Cupboards, Coffers Chests tables chairs stools and etc 18 = 00 = 00 Benches at It Sacks of wool and hemp etc at 03 = 00 = 00 It Silver plates att 05 = 00 = 00 It Implements of Husbandry at 03 = 00 = 00 It A Clock at 03 = 00 = 00 Tott -------------------- 441 = 08 = 00 William Wynne The mark of Evan Thomas John Isaac Appraisers Note that the total of bequeaths is £ 632 (at least) and is greater than the valuation below ! There is an extensive family tree of Ffoulks Jones of Wern in T.Ceiri Griffiths new book (215). // denotes the ends of the lines in the original document |